Female Acupuncturist Jo Ridgway

Acupuncture in Kingsbridge, Chillington and Modbury, South Hams near Plymouth

Hi, I’m Jo—an Acupuncturist and Coach with therapy rooms in Kingsbridge, Chillington and Modbury in South Devon.

With 15 years of experience, I use the wisdom of Chinese Medicine not just to manage your symptoms but to work on a deeper level that creates lasting healing and change.

At the root of Chinese Medicine is the idea that you already possess everything needed to be well. Acupuncture needles prompt your body to do what it already knows, gently nudging it in the right direction.

My passion is combining my years of experience as an Acupuncturist with my work as a Maturation Coach to create change on a deeper level. Our work together is not just to make you feel better for a while but to produce shifts that lead to real change.

In a world where the pace is increasing, I provide a compassionate space for you to slow down and reconnect with yourself. When you’re drowning in information and ways to ‘feel better‘, I keep things very simple and clear.

If you feel like you’re always ‘doing’ for other people, my deepest joy is listening and letting you ‘be.’


If you’re struggling with a health problem – from chronic pains to digestive disturbances, fertility issues to stress or low energy levels – it may be because your body’s natural self-healing mechanisms need a little help

Acupuncture rebalances the systems within your body so you can experience more energy, less stress and a greater sense of peace and vitality. 


Maturation Coaching involves us working together to get to the root of the repeating problems or patterns in your life – uncovering the stories created in your childhood that have been subconsciously running the show.

As you shed ways of being that no longer serve you, the part of yourself that got lost along the way emerges, together with a renewed sense of aliveness, peace, and joy.

“Jo is an exceptional practitioner who possesses the rare combination of clinical excellence, intuition and humility. Never were these attributes more needed than now”

Fertility and Women’s Health Expert, best-selling author of five books, and TedX speaker.

Jo Ridgway Acupuncture in South Hams

Bringing balance to tired bodies and stillness to busy minds

I’m here to help you balance the systems within your body and turn down the noise of your mind.

To create a flow where there is stuckness, expansion where there is tightness and a sense of aliveness in parts that feel numb.

My intention is that through working with me, you’ll experience change that lasts well beyond our time together.

Acupuncture with Jo

Modbury Therapy Centre

Monday: 9.30am – 3pm

35 Church Street
PL21 0QR


Wills Health

Tuesday: 8.30am – 2.30pm

Unit 3 Fairfield Meadow
Orchard Way


The Health Hub

Wednesday: 9.30am – 4.30pm

Fore Street