Maturation Coaching in the South Hams & online

Do you feel like your life is fine – on paper, it’s actually pretty good – but somehow you have a sense that it’s passing you by, that you’re missing it? You’re getting by and enjoying moments, but they always feel fleeting.

Maybe you’re exhausted with searching for the next thing that will make you feel better or will be the answer. Only to find the same struggles showing up repeatedly despite all the things you’ve changed?

Perhaps you’re feeling stuck, and it’s driving you crazy because you’re doing everything but still aren’t where you want to be.

If you can relate to any of these questions, I’m currently putting together different ways we can work together….watch this space!

How do I know if Maturation Coaching is for me?

Maturation coaching is for you if you’re ready to get to the root of your repeating struggles and the story generating your reality.

The aim of our work is not just to make you feel better for a while but to produce a deep internal shift - shedding ways of being that you no longer need and revealing who you really are.

This is powerful, transformational work, and I’ll be with you every step of the way.

Can I have Acupuncture and Coaching together?

Yes! This is a full body/mind maturing process - outgrowing states from your past that are still running in your present.

The stories, conditioning and entanglement of memories that are looking through your eyes and colouring how you experience your life are not just coming from the thoughts in your mind but also from the emotional imprint within the body.

Through our coaching work, we go to the root of the story and through our acupuncture treatments, we release the energetic and emotional memory within the body, breaking the attachment to who you know yourself to be so you can live beyond your story.

“I have absolutely loved our sessions together and am so unbelievably grateful for being given the time and space to think, breathe and process some big feelings. Your gentle, warm and caring nature instantly helped me to feel completely comfortable, and has allowed me to speak so openly and honestly about my previous experiences.

I have found your approach to the conversations we’ve had incredibly supportive and compassionate. The way you listen and hear all the details of what’s been said, and sometimes of what’s not said, is remarkable and so appreciated. 

In opening up the conversations and exploring the idea of ‘the story’ in particular, it has helped me to begin to recognise why I see repetitive behaviours and experiences reoccurring within my life. I have found the many techniques we’ve discussed and practised so helpful in managing overwhelming feelings and emotions.

I’ve also found this process so unbelievably helpful in opening up conversations with my husband too. I’m working on ‘turning the noise down’ on the negative thoughts that sometimes flood me by being with them. And I’m focusing on understanding that those thoughts are just that, thoughts. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Truly, deeply, wholeheartedly - thank you. I think anyone lucky enough to go on this journey of coaching with you is extremely lucky. It’s been an absolutely incredible experience which has really helped me to shift my perspective and mindset.”

I was a complete mess in my first couple of sessions with Jo. I couldn't get out of bed or answer the phone, out of pure anxiety and fear. I barely even made our sessions, but I MADE the time. This is one of the 1st things Jo taught me, make time for yourself.

She helped me unpack my feelings, my childhood and my trauma. All the tears. I learned how to regulate my emotions, stop bringing myself down, get out of my head and into my body, breathing techniques and more.

I slowly but surely became equipped to face each day, stronger than the day before. I faced all my problems head on! One by one I managed to sort through all my challenges and started feeling strong, confident and even proud of myself. I couldn't have done it without Jo. I will be forever grateful!

I am a happy chappie now, I even got a job, I'm running my household like a badass, I am a better mother and wife, genuinely love who I am, my values and how much I am capable of. Jo, you have a special place in my heart ❤️ Every time I don't yell, or don't lose it, or not overthink something, I will be reminded of how you helped me. I will carry these tools with me for life. THANK YOU!”


Acupuncture with Jo

Modbury Therapy Centre

Monday: 9.30am – 3pm

35 Church Street
PL21 0QR


Tuesday: 8.30am – 2.30pm

Unit 3 Fairfield Meadow
Orchard Way

Wills Health


Wednesday: 9.30am – 4.30pm

Fore Street

The Health Hub